Jobsite Obstacles: The Critical Site Assessment

Every jobsite tells its own story, and that story changes daily. Before you operate a scissor lift, taking time to assess your surroundings isn't just a good practice – it's essential for safety.

Let's talk about your pre-operation site walk. This vital check helps identify hazards that could put you and others at risk. Start from the ground up:

Ground Level Concerns:

  • Examine the surface conditions carefully. Those seemingly minor obstacles – a discarded 2x4 or scattered wood scraps – can create major stability issues for your lift.

  • Watch for floor openings or covers that might not support your equipment's weight.

  • Identify uneven surfaces that could affect stability or cause tipping.

Overhead Awareness:

  • Check for overhead obstructions like bar trusses, steel structures, and sprinkler systems

  • Note any electrical lines or building components that could create crush points

  • Pay attention to studded walls and drop ceiling installations

Personnel Safety: Remember, visibility is limited when you're elevated. Other workers might try to take shortcuts around your equipment, creating dangerous situations. Never hesitate to:

  • Request a spotter when needed

  • Use your remote control options for better visibility

  • Take extra time to ensure the area is clear

The few minutes spent on your pre-operation site walk could prevent serious accidents or equipment damage. Steel structures and building components won't give way – they'll win every confrontation with your lift.

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Stay safe out there!

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Fall Protection Essentials: Keeping Your Team Safe on the Roof (Part 1)


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